How do males act when approaching females?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding How do males act when approaching females?

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    Hi there,
    Sorry for all the questions. I decided to go with the 20 G set up without splitting it into 10 G with a plastic canvas. I put 4 females and one male in the tank. I put 4 females, bc one of the females doesn’t have a dark gonad spot, but her fins aren’t as brightly coloured as an obvious male one. So 4 females and one male it is! Just in case.

    I put the male into my 20 G (the two males in my tank are so active and are always chasing one another) and he right away found a female and they started chasing one another. It was so cute. They were chasing one another in the grasses and plants and burrowing in the gravel.

    My question is: he started almost vibrating. His fins kept closing and opening and it’s like his whole body was vibrating/shivering. Was he excited? He was surrounded by females and he was the only one doing that. Is this typical? Is this how it starts? Lol. So excited to have potential CPD babies!!!

    How long do I keep the fishes in there for? A week?


    ETA: I think the female that I thought was a female may be a male bc I see her/him chasing another female. I find CPDs don’t chase one another other than the male on male chasing I see frequently in my 55 G. Is chasing among mating behaviours?


    Hi Sarah,

    Yes, that’s typical behavior. He is displaying for the females so to speak. It’s a courtship thing that many different animals go through.

    The males will also display to each other. Many of the photos you see of CPD’s are where the males are displaying to each other.

    @Jiinx wrote:

    How long do I keep the fishes in there for? A week?

    A week seems to work very well for me. That gives them time to settle in, and then lay some eggs.


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