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  • #10577

    hows it going?
    havent been on for a long time again. been to busy :(

    hows everyones cpds?

    i have lost a few more adults :( but have had quite a few fry.

    my cpd tank is going to made into a planted community tank. it will have 6-7 of my own breed fry going into it as well as some other little fish.
    was almost forced to sell my mbuna tank by parents but am convincing them that it looks good and to keep it.



    Sorry to hear there’s pressure on to get rid of a tank – time to dig those heels in !!

    I had a near miss with my main tank of CPDs when a bottle of CO2 got dumped into the water following a valve failure while I was away but quick thinking by my wife saved them all. They are all about to go back into their tank so hopefully the breeding will continue. I can see them attempting in the main community tank but with that many fish around them, there’s no way that any eggs will survive let alone fry.


    Ok now , though I lost half (5) my celestrials due to ich recently. Half the rest of my 20 g fish too.

    Renovated the tank setup after that. It’s sort of a rocky stream with some plants kinda setup now. They seem to like it fine. ALso did other tank to Amazon. I’m considering swaping the zebra danios for the cestrials for the amazon tank, but I fear I’ll hardly see them in the plants and driftwood, as they tend to swim lower down.

    And I’ve enough botton dwellers with my 11 corys… :D

    (Just got a albino pair, Starlet and Moonshine)

    The buenos aires tetra might spook them too, I don’t know.

    – Atlantis

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