Hello to all, this is my first post here, thanks to Dean & Gene for your help with registration.
I’m Al & live in N Scotland about 30mins from Inverness. I got 6 (4 male, 2 female) when they first appeared at the end of 2006. Initially they were place into a community tank but I then set up a 60 litre breeding tank for them and got my first 18 fry at the start of last summer.
Following a revamp of tanks they have now been moved into their permament abode, a 180 litre planted tank (tank was setup 2 weeks ago, fish in there for a week) and I now have numerous fry (at least 20) along with around 30 adults.
I have given fish away in the past, but am now looking at buyers as I have around 50 fry growing out that are almost ready.
In addition, I keep various other fish including Malawis, an Oscar (with Acara & Firemouth).
This is their current home.

and a close up of some of them hiding

and some of the fry

Look forward to talking to you all