ok, i have 10 galaxies (sorry cant get used to the long name they now have…galaxy is far easier than celestial pearl danio!). a mix of male and females. some males are very bright and some girls have the dark vent. they have a planted established 28 gal tank. the filter has netting over the filter (from a fish net tied on with elastic bands) to stop any fry getting sucked in. they also have java moss tied onto a terracotta pot with string. also an air stone and the filter blows bubbles too (has an airline)
temp 24C
pH 7.2
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
the 15 gal fry tank has guppy fry and a golden sucking loach in at the mo. this is where any galaxy fry will go. it is also planted with same stats as above except temp is 26C. also has netting over the filter so no babies get eaten by the filter!
is there anything else i should have? what else do they need to encourage them to breed as there’s nothing happening in there yet! how long does it usually take for them to settle in and start breeding? is it almost guarunteed to happen, or not? whats the success rate? are many people like me with galaxies showing no interest in breeding? sorry for all the questions, but i’m very excited at the prospect of breeding them!! i have never bred egglayers before though so i’m a complete noob and obviously want to do it right!