German blue rams and CPDs ok together?

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    Anyone keeping German blue rams (or any rams) and Celestial pearl danios together? I kinda jump the gun a commited an impulse buy today on 3 beautiful GBR. The rams are small and they will have plenty or room in my 125g. What I’m concerned with is the temp requirments for both fish. GBR like higher temps 78-84F and CPDs can tolerate a wider temp range 69-79F

    I’m guessing I can keep the temp around 77-78F and hope the GBR will be ok with it cause i rather not stress my CPDs since mine are not shy at all and always in the open.

    40+ CPDs > 3 GBRs

    Any and all advise is appreciated.


    If you already have them then you have no choice but like you say I’d aim for a lower temp and hope the rams are ok. They can be very sensitive fish though any pics of your tank it sounds like a nice one!


    I’m going to try a catch them tonight with a 10″ net I bought today. They seem to hang around the top/middle area in front of the tank. I’m going to tak them back to the LFS and trade them in for some Sparling Gouramis. I have 3 Sparkling Gouramis right now and I am kicking my self in the rear for not getting them instead.

    Here it is after a re-scape that I did two weeks ago.

    Here is a before pic of my 125g

    Here is video that I took 4 days ago (Sorry for the poor quality) Water is dark with tannin but i added some purigen and the water is clearing up.


    Gorgeous tank you should be very proud!

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