Being a planted tank enthusiast I bought some CPDs for my 180ltr tank and then at Christmas, I decided to try and breed them.
I have setup the following tank…
My Setup
- 12x10x8 Optiwhite Nano Tank
- Tropica Vesicularia dubyana
- AquaEl Air Pump 100
- Algarde Non Return Valve
- Ocean Free Bio-Foam Filter 100
- Hydor Mini Heater 15W
- Arcpod 11W Light
- Thermometer

Added after the photo is some floating plants and some Cabomba to provide more cover.
A female was introduced last week into this tank and was conditioned up on higher protein foods. Photo of mum is here…

Then on Thursday evening I added two males hope they would spawn. Unfortunately, one of the males jumped out of the water and died. However, I’ve seen that the female and the single male are interacting but there is no sight of spawning activity. She does chase him about but not sure if he’s interested! I’ve not seen any eggs about in the moss mat.
I’m thinking of just leaving those two into the tank to see what turns up and/or might add another male.
The tank is stable at about 20C but I’ve not tested by pH.
Would appreciate any helps and advice.
Thanks in advice.