I’ve been away 3 out of the last 4 weeks. I have these floating plants (usu. about 5 leaves at 1/4″ diameter … don’t know the name) in my 50G tank that pretty much take over if I allow them. So… today I scooped out some of these plants and put them in a little container to throw them away. Looking in the container, I saw some fry hanging around in there. I am quite happy about this.
I am surprised at how small they are … not very good swimmers yet — they must have just hatched.
I am hoping that these are CPD fry, but I also have cardinal tetras and panda corys in the tank.
Anyway, I had set up a 10G tank for the purpose of breeding before I went away, so I moved the fry there. Tomorrow I will scoop more of that surface plant to see if I can find some more and transfer them. I’ll start a batch of infusoria tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I also have some hydra in the 10G tank — not a ton of them, but you can find them if you look hard enough. I will mash as many as I can and hope for the best.
My 10G tank has a lot of surface turbulence (2 hang-on-back filters with sponge over the intakes). Do any of you know if surface turbulence is bad for fry?