Finally _got_ fry!

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    My CPDs are in a 29g planted tank, lots of plants/moss/rocks/wood for fry to hide and grow in. So I thought. I would always see a few fry swimming around in the moss but a few days later nothing. I finally got frustrated of this (never a fry to adult) and decided I would siphon any fry I could find out and into a grow out tank. Again, easier said than done. Turns out netting them with a small fine mesh net is the best and simplest method IME.

    I now finally have fry in my grow out tank. Only 6 so far, but I got them before the other CPDs did! :D



    Congratulations Jim!

    These guys are quite easy to get to spawn, but getting the fry raised up is another matter. :)

    I finally put a trio in an completely overgrown 10 gallon tank, I’ve got new fry all the time now.



    Nice one Jim, the first of many – I’m sure.


    What plants do you have in your tank Jim. I have five CPDS in a 45 litre tank full of moss. I’m hoping that will prevent all of any young that might hatch, being live food


    What plants do you have in your tank Jim. I have five CPDS in a 45 litre tank full of moss. I’m hoping that will prevent all of any young that might hatch, being live food

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