Fin rot? Help please

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    A fish I recently purchased, a feeder goldfish had ragged looking fins (just the back ones) when I bought her but I attributed it to biting from the other goldfish. Stupid me I did not quarintine when I brought her home, she seemed fine. :roll:

    Anyway the first day I brought her home and the next day after that she seemed in perfect health, but the next day, her fins appeared more ragged and she began wedging herself in tight places. I thought this odd, but thought that possibly it might be from the hot weather. Goldfish ain’t axactly tropical, and it’s been hotter than even the tropical fish should be at.

    Today I gound her wedged in a tight place and suddenly all her back fins were gone and a quarter of her body. She was also dead of course. :(

    Anyway, can fish can fin rot without having white specks on their fins? There were none on hers, and from what I’ve read there usually is.

    And one of my catfish was hanging around the body, would he have eaten her dead body? Should I be concerned about him?

    What about the rest of my fish? Is it contaigous?
    I can’t really quarintine all the fish in the tank. There is 9 more in there…

    Please answer soon, I’m finding contradictory information and I’m really concerned. I don’t really have anywhere else to turn to.


    I had a goldfish die from finrot without the white specks. He got a cut on the back of his tail and the tail just jept dissapearing untill eventually he died.
    Your cat prob. did eat part of the goldfish’s body. I wouldn’t be concerned.
    It shouldn’t be contaigious. I wouldn;t worry about that either.


    Thanks for that, Crazedpuffer.

    I’ll keep a close eye on the others anyway. Especially my beloved betta, who considers himself king of the tank :) and none argue. He’s really smart and awesome. He does laps of the aquarium, back and forth along the front and always checks out new critters to the tank, even if its just a snail. His tail was always a bit ragged.

    Anyways, I hope I haven’t introduced any other diseases and stuff either. :?


    My guppies just got fin rot. First they had white puffy “fungus” on them and some of them had only one or two tiny white spots on them. My one female now has fin rot caused by columnaris. She has no white spots or anything other than receding fins. Since it is caused by a bacteria, an antibiotic or copper sulfate should do the trick. I imagine your goldfish probably had the same or a similar problem. I would be concerned about an internal bacterial infection in your catfish. Just keep your eye on him. here is a WONDERFUL page about fin rot (the other links on other diseases are also very helpful!)



    Here’s a good website I came across (too late) about fish diseases and such.

    Wish they sold fish first aid kits…You know, like a bit of everything you need in an emergency.

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