Easy live food for CPD

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    I recently ordered Micro Banana and Walter worm cultures from aquabid and I’ve got to say that it’s probably one of the best fish related purchases I’ve ever made!

    I’ve been feeding my adult CPD tank (20L with 12 CPD) the Walter and banana worms twice a day and I can’t believe the difference in the tank when I clean it! there’s is virtually nothing for the gravel vac to pick up!

    I also ordered a culture of daphnia moina and have have less luck with that, I split the culture (around 500) into two 2 gallon plastic tanks from petco and I think I initially overfed which led to a population drop, but they seem to be bouning back very quickly! I have an old beat up 10 gallon tank I’m thinking of setting up just for daphnia somewhere and trying to get enough growing to feed my larger 55g community tank.

    I was extremely hesitant to get into live food, thinking it would be messy and smelly but so far it’s been great! Is there any other kind of easily kept culture that I could feed my adults or my community tank? Are the walter and banana worms twice a day enough food for adult CPD? Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated!!


    Hatching baby brine shrimp is very economical and not messy at all…

    Get yourself a copy of Mike Hellweg’s book, “Culturing Live Foods”.


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