Does anyone know of a reputable Canadian source of CPDs?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Suppliers Does anyone know of a reputable Canadian source of CPDs?

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    I’m still looking to find some CPDs in my area. I live in Mississauga, Ontario and hope to find some anywhere in the GTA.

    I presently have a 40 gallon cichlid tank, a 25 gallon tank with fancy guppies that I’ve bred, a 10 gallon tank for breeding guppies, 2 5-gallon tanks for some retired female bettas and baby guppies, and 6 large betta holders. Our whole family enjoys aquariums and I’m really looking forward to getting some of these colourful little guys.

    Thanks if anyone can post some current information on this topic.


    Hi Gregor welcome to the forum..I live in the uk so cannot help with sourcing any stock,just wanted to say hi and that this website is rapidly becoming the best/only place for upkeep and breeding information about these delightful fish.
    You should be able to find some eventually. Have you checked the net for any private breeders, we currently have someone offering Uk fish on ebay.


    Looking for CPD source(s) in the greater Vancouver B.C. area.

    Hopefully, Hrynkiw


    I am also looking for CPD sources; I am in the Southern Alberta area (Lethbridge). Thanks.

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