Hey everyone!
As promised here are some pictures of my 10 gallon CPD tank!
I tore down the livebearer tank in my basement. Their excessive breeding was way too demanding for my schedule so I gave them away.
Now I have a celestial pearl danios, or whatever you call Danio margaritatus these days, chilling out in my room.
I just set it up last week.
As you can see in the pictures, the blyxa kind of uprooted on its own and I’m too lazy to replant them. 
Here are some details:
Tank size/dimensions: standarn 10 gallon fish tank
Filter: Eheim Liberty 100 HOB also added extra AC and filter floss for now
Heater: 50w Hagen Thermal Compact Preset Heater
Temperature: 23-24 degrees Celsius
Substrate: Flourite Black
Lighting: DIY light box with two 13w spiral CF bulbs, 6500k (8 hours a day)
Fertilizer: excel, KNO3, KH2PO4 and trace elements 3x a week and 50% water change (we’ll see what happens, I might reduce frequency / amounts of fertilizer so I can extend WC to twice a month instead).
Flora: Blyxa japonica, Spirodela polyrhiza, Hygrophila difformis, Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervig’, Rotala rotundifolia, Taxiphyllum barbieri and Fissidens sp. and some sort of Rotala sp.?
Animals: 6 Danio margaritatus, 12 Caridina sp. (assorted bee shrimps) and some pond snails.

I found out all 6 of my CPDs are female (anal fin is clear) last week so I’ll get one male CPD and eventually I hope I can breed them.
I also forgot to mention that two of the pieces of driftwood are stacked on top of each other, but there is a big “cave” in between where you can enter either from the front or back. The bee shrimp and CPD really like to hide inside once in a while to feel safe.IMG]