CPDs school with rasboras?

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    Hi all! New to the board & hoping to have some CPDs in my new 11 gal. planted aquarium soon. I’m wondering if anyone has CPDs with spotted dwarf rasboras and/or crossbanded dwarf rasboras? Do they school together or separately?

    My LFS has some tank bred CPDs in stock now… hoping they are still there when my tank is ready. :mrgreen:


    Hi bluestems, welcome to the forum!

    I’ve never kept CPD’s with any of the rasboras, but when I’ve housed them with other small danios they typically stay with their own. I will say that keeping a more out going fish with timid CPD’s often helps them over come some of their shyness.



    Hi Dennis, thanks for the input. I’m happy to have found the CPD board!


    I currently only have four CPDs (hopefully this will change soon as I’ve finally separated them off to breed :) ) and when they are in my 30 gal display tank they often school together with my Boraras maculatas (Microrasboras). However, since both fish have different behaviors (the CPDS more active and prone to dashing about, while the maculatas are more reserved and like to hang out in the plants) its more as if the CPDs use the maculata school as some sort of a ‘home base’ and stop by to visit between mad dashes about the rest of the tank.

    I hope this answers your question, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this behavior depends largely on the exact setup the fish are kept in – you may find that the situation is different in your tank.


    My CPDs school 100% with my emerald dwarf rasboras: but those are actually danios and being reclassified, aren’t they? I have had some dominance battles between the slightly larger EDR males and CPD males, but nothing outside the norm in a fishtank.

    Ann in WA

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