CPDs and Seprae tetras?

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    I’m a new member here as I just got 5 CPDs. They are at the moment in a quarantine tank as they get settled and while I’m considering my options for their appropriate placement. I just moved a small school of Serpae tetras into a 20 Gal planted tank and was wondering whether the CPDs could in with them. Would they coexist peacefully?



    I’ve not tried it but Serpaes can be quite thug…ish fish and CPDs are small and timid. I personally wouldn’t, especially if you would like to see them breeding. But maybe others can give thoughts.


    Hi Tom,

    Yes, I do agree with your “description” of Serpaes ;-). Watching them feed on blood worms tonight I realized the poor little CPDs would hardly get anything to eat if they were housed together. So I’ve put them in a cycled 5 Gal tank I’ve had sitting on the desk for now. It’s well planted and has dark substrate. They seemed much happier immediately and started swimming. Even ate a bit today.

    Thank you!



    They will much prefer their own company. I know mine do, and in a 5 gallon tank with plenty of moss/plants they will probably start to breed very soon. Gorgeous fish!

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