Hello everyone,
I am new guy here in your forum, firstly sorry for my English, because it is not my main language, but I hope you will understand me well :oops:
I have a question here, what do you think keeping CPD’s along with :
5x Rummy Nose Tetra
8x Tanichthys albonubes
2x Angelfish.
5x Cherry barbs
I have also 3 of SAE, also known as Siamese Algae Eater. And few of Ancistrus.
My tank size is about 22 gal. I am keeping at about 25C+. There is not so few live plants also. So what do you think about such a setup :roll:
Maybe we have any members here from Lithuania also? Because I did not found yet from whom to buy my CPD’s 
Thank you in advance!