Hi All.
I’m new to the forum and to fish keeping in general (ish). I just set up a 55 gal tank. It’s planted, though not very densely at this point. I’m hoping to thicken it up with some more plants soon. It also has a giant sunken ship that provides lots of hiding space. Right now the tank is cycling with a few zebra danios in it. The plan was to have a shoal of CPD’s and nothing else. However, I’m only about 2 weeks in on this tank, and I”m starting to see a lot of algae, mostly red, but also some green stuff too. I’m wondering about having a SAE (or two if they must be social?) in there with the CPDs…
My questions are would these guys
1) Get along OK with the CPDs without making them even more shy than they already are or starving them?
2) Be OK in a planted tank without knocking the plants around too much or uprooting them?
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!