CPD with Platy’s

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    I am getting five CPD’s tonight, and I will have them in a quarantine tank for a couple weeks till I see if they are okay.

    I am planning on adding them to my 20gal tank with six platy’s and a few neon tetra. Will these species work together well?

    The tank is planted, and they should be able to find a few hiding spaces.



    I’ve never kept mine with other fish other than corydoras and plecs. They should be ok but they are very timid fish and like a nice mature tank so just keep a close eye on them for a while


    I moved the new CDPs from the quarantine tank to my main tank after having them for 3 weeks. The CDPs were very timid and were always trying to hide while in the quarantine tank, but they livened up and turned very social after entering their new home. The tank has about 6 large, 6 medium-small, and 9 tiny Platy’s. Oh, and one remaining neon tetra from a school that died of neon tetra disease (Took out a few Platy’s too, but now everything is fine).


    great to hear they are doing well!

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