CPD eggs with Shrimp?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat CPD eggs with Shrimp?

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  • #10652

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering whether CPD eggs will be eaten by shrimp? I’ve just added 7 CPDs to my 4 ft heavily planted tank that, until now, housed only shrimp.

    I really want them to breed and fill the tank, as 7 was all I could afford (they are $30 to $50 around here), and they are a good tank mate for shrimp due to their small mouths.

    The shrimp are crystal reds, crystal blacks and cherries.




    Hi Luke, welcome to the forum!

    I’ve got a ten gallon that has a trio of cpd along with about a dozen yellow and tiger shrimp. I’ve had a steady stream of fry from the cpd’s.

    I’ve always had more problems with the cpd’s eating the eggs or fry rather than the shrimp.


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