Hello everyone,
I have 4 fry that are now over 1 cm long that are in with my school of 20 adult CPD’s that appear to have an unusual condition.
They almost appear to be lightly “frosted” with tiny, tiny spots across their entire body and fins. This has been present for several weeks and at first while they were still very small I barely noticed it, dismissing it as early signs of their colouration developing. Now as they get larger I am beginning to feel that it is possibly a case of white spot disease. The spots are very pale, almost white, but seem much smaller than I remember having seen in fish with white spot disease in the past. However, despite having been in the same tank as the 20 adults for several weeks, not one of the adults has any sign of a similar problem.
Can someone tell me whether what I am seeing is possibly normal, or is it, as I suspect a disease. If it is a disease, do you think it is white spot or something else and what treatment would you recommend?
Many thanks as always for everyone’s suggestions.