can pearl danios survive without filter for 20 hours

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding can pearl danios survive without filter for 20 hours

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  • #10767

    i am turning off my filter so the fry wont get sucked in i also have 3 adults in there


    There are many factors to consider before answering your question.

    1. How big is the tank – bigger is better
    2. Is the tank well established – cycled and up and running for some time
    3. What is your fish keeping experience – just started keeping fish
    4. Is the tank set-up where it won’t experience wide temperature swings
    5. Any live plants in the tank

    Under good conditions your fish will be fine… too many unknown factors to say for sure.



    Don’t do it. Just cover the filter intake with sponge. Turning it off will crash your filter and probably kill your adults let alone any fry

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