Breeding Celestial Danios cohabitating with Cherry Shrimp

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  • #14111

    Thanks…thats interesting to hear. I seem to lose some of mine that do this. Possibly as it causes them to struggle to feed maybe?….strange because I have never seen another species of fish fry do this.


    Hello everyone,
    Here is a technique I use that has been providing constant amount of frys.
    I have 2-20 gallon long planted with mainly free swimming moss mass. In one tank I have 16 adults mixed males and females CPD. In the other tank I have young fry. Every 3-4 days I switch all of the moss from the adult tank to the fry tank and vice versa. I just started to to do this on the last 2 weeks and I have over 40+ young fry in various sizes and ages. Both tanks have cherry shrimp in there just not in very large quantities. My goal is to have about 150 adults so I can introduce them to my 75 fully planted tank. JM2C. :P


    nice tip. Many thanks I will be trying it!


    Well I tried Monica’s set-up with a 5 gallon tank. Used 4 girls & 3 boys. Left them in for a week and removed the fish last Sunday 09/27/09.

    Yesterday morning I counted 40+ fry! :D

    Thanks again Monica… many more viable fry than with my previous method.



    Interesting stuff Dennis. Did you do anything at all or just leave them?


    Hi Tom,

    Nothing special… bare bottom tank with a good sized portion of java moss, diy sponge filter.

    I gave them mosquito larva and golden pearls to eat twice a day.

    This week I kept the sexes separated and fed them heavy with live food. Set them up in another 5 gallon tank yesterday, Friday. I’m hoping that keeping them separate has allowed the girls to build up egg production for more fry this time around… I’ll keep you posted!



    Sounds good keep me/us informed please. I’m getting some tank dividers for a three foot tank and hoping to get some fry going in there soon


    I have had the Danios in with the snails and shrimp for months, occasionally spotting a few young fry, with only one reaching maturity.
    I had tried removing most of the snails at one time, no difference, tried removing most of the shrimp, no difference.
    I removed most of the adult danios while having very high shrimp population and pretty high snail count…
    about 20 little fry swimming around two days later!
    They’re still growing fast, no mortalities, very conclusoive, shrimp are fine, snails are fine, but definitely remove the adult CPD.


    @xanderman wrote:

    …but definitely remove the adult CPD.

    Hi xanderman.

    I will second that! The only other way I have produced fry in significant numbers was in a tank that was just over run with guppy grass. Even then many were lost because they were so hard to capture and move to another tank.



    the adults are EXPERT fry/egg eaters…sadly


    I have removed my CPD’s from a small tank to a 60 cm / 50- ltr tank where they are now with Java Moss, a lot of plants and a few other fish (dwarf gourami and a few loach).

    The problem is that the CPD’s are difficult to catch – and move around for them to breed and not eat their young.

    Moving the Java Moss around sounds like a lot easier. I guess I should leave the Java Moss for about 7 – 10 days to make sure all eggs have hatched?

    What about the sensitivity for the eggs towards changes in water quality?


    Richard (Belgium)


    I’d try to move them with the tank water the eggs wont like a change in water parameters.

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