baby brine shrimp

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  • #10876

    Hi Dennis

    Happy 2012 to you and your family :)

    So for xmas my other half brought me a “brine shrimp hatchery kit”
    so ive read the instructions however, am i correct in thinking the brine shrimp are only good for 24 hours?
    also, how many of these little critters should i feed to my 5 adults CPD?

    im thinking about hatching them and then putting them in freshwater (to wash off salt) before putting them in an ice cube try and freezing, as im guessing a spoonfull of eggs will hatch to many for my small number of fish?

    any advise would be massively welcomed



    Hi Ollie,

    I hatch a gram of brine shrimp eggs daily. That’s around 225,000 baby brine shrimp. With that number of baby brine shrimp, I can feed several hundred fry and adult CPD’s.

    I get my eggs and hatching supplies from Brine Shrimp Direct. They have lots of good information on their WEB site…

    A very Happy 2012 to you and your family as well! :D


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