Came back from an aproximately 2 week vacation, leaving my sister in charge of my fish tanks, and now I can only count 3 of my 5 galaxies at a time.
I turned the tank up-side down looking, but can’t find them!
I don’t know what to do anymore. There are no obvious jump out of the tank suicides. Would the 3 other galaxies and white clouds eat their bodies? There’s nothing else living in there. Not even a snail.
Help to hell I’m wrong, and they are just hiding super well, but it’s just crazy! They always hang out together.
Please, someone tell me they bury in the sand for part of them cycle or something!
(in my other tank, my snail crawled out and went deep inside, but came out again went I dunked him back in the water after a bit. Another nasty suprise waiting for me to figure out when I got home… Apparently normal though)
On the edge of panic and tears and it’s almost 1 in the morning… :cry:
I hate this not knowing. 
– Atlantis Child