2.5g large enough for spawning?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding 2.5g large enough for spawning?

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    Will the CDP’s breed in a 2.5g? I have the miniature version of the regular 10g tank that is just sitting around. I was thinking it would be neat to have these guys lay some eggs and rear the youngs. I’ve raised many zebra danios in the past, and it was fun!


    Hi lake_tuna, welcome to the forum.

    I don’t think you’ll have any problems with them in a 2 1/2 gallon tank… I set most of my breeders up in 5 gallon tanks.

    Best of luck with your project!



    he problem you will have is that they will find it much easier to find the fry. The larger the tank the more chance of some eggs and fry escaping the mouths of the adults. That said, if you plan to remove the adults its perfect for a hatchery


    I tested out the tank with ember tetras to see how they fish would fare in there with a sponge filter, and these guys were terrified for the day they were in there. All of my microfish are easily scared and very timid, so I wanted to test out with some cheap fish instead of the CPDs, which cost a lot more. I want to use it as a hatchery of some sort.. I do have a 10g lying around, too, but GF wouldn’t be too happy if I set up another tank.


    Just say your fish are breeding and its an emergency and fish will die if you don’t! :lol:


    yeah that one always works with my hubby! its great! i just set up a 10 my self for breeding my cpds. best of luck to u!

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