10 Gallon CPD playground

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    That is a drop checker. You put 3 (maybe 4) drops of pH reagent into water of a certain dKH within the drop checker. CO2 goes into the small amount of air in the drop checker and ends up affecting the pH of the solution. When the drop checker is green (an easy color to ID), that means your CO2 ppm level should be just right. There is a lag time of like 2 hours for the drop checker to be the correct color, but it’s still the best inexpensive thing going to keep an eye on your CO2 levels.

    Example: If you put 4 dKH water in the drop checker with the reagent drops, the solution turns green at 30 ppm CO2.

    Probably more than you wanted to know… :D


    Your tank rocks my socks! Giggle. I love the Badis!


    Hey guys and girls,
    here is a video of my latest setup, removed the Hemiantus Calitrichoides and replaced it with fine light gravel. The shrimp love it ;)



    :D Thats a great looking tank!! It is hard to believe that it is only a 10g–looks so much bigger the way you have it set up! It has filled out very nicely!!


    very very nice tank! Have you still got the Badis?….not seen one of those in the shops across here for years!!!!

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