Reply To: Newbe breeding question

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding Newbe breeding question Reply To: Newbe breeding question


Thanks for the welcome L777!

I will keep you posted with any and all CPD news. I have not purchased any as of yet. I have located one source (LFS) that has them and will special order more if I want additional, as well as a discount off of the $7.50 ea price tag for quantity purchases of more than 5 fish (I’m thinking 10 to get started. I will also be attending my local aquarium club meeting tomorrow night, so I will be checking there for club members who might be breeding them first.

Does any one on this forum ever exchange fish to keep bloodlines strong? Long term line breeding in a species population this small could cause problems. I don’t mean to hijack my own thread but this seems like it could be some thing others have already started working on.