Reply To: Introduction Thread:

Welcome to the website! Forums General Miscellaneous Introduction Thread: Reply To: Introduction Thread:


Hi everybody!
My name’s Dean. I’m 38, and live out in the prairies of the middle of North America. Our ecology includes my wife, our two daughters, a Westie (Scottish West Highland Terrier), a calico cat, and a growing population of finned young ‘uns! We home educate our daughters. The oldest is out running a blanket drive for local homeless people this month — it gets fiercely cold here on the flatlands in the wintertime, global warming notwithstanding.

The breeding fish are fancy guppies, bushynose plecos, CPDs, and a surprise small hatch of praecox rainbows.

The “not yet breeding” fish are marbled hatchets, cardinal tetras, sterbai corys, hillstream loaches (Schistura cf balteata; Botia(?) sidthimunki; kuhlis), and a bunch of swirl-striped fancy plecos — 1M/2F L-401’s and 4 L-66 King Tigers (1 of which may be L-333?). If the king tigers or L-401’s breed, I hope to add a breeding trio of L-46 to the family. The girls’ tanks also have cherry shrimp, Endlers guppies, and kribensis cichlids, with aspirations to breed the shrimp and the kribs.

It’s been a pleasure to be welcomed into this forum. Thanks to all for being and building such a great online community here!