Reply To: Starting over…
Welcome to the website! › Forums › The Celestial Pearl Danio › Breeding › Starting over… › Reply To: Starting over…
Atlantis, there’s good reason to keep adults from young, but not sure why to keep male CPDs apart from female CPDs. Mine came into condition together, and while they do chase around a lot, I’ve never seen any of them actually “picked on” by others to the point of distress. I’d say keep them together unless you think there is some bullying going on (?). We’re excited to see your new group once they get situated!
Ste, bushynose are the purest vegetarians I’ve ever seen. Of course, I can’t answer whether there might be *more* CPD fry without them, but it would surprise me if the plecos were taking any eggs. I’ve read other breeders (of smallish soft-water cichlids, etc.) who keep BN plecos in with their breeding fish for the express reason that they won’t eat anything living (except lower plants and biofilms). I haven’t had any new fry appear for the last week or so, but expect this has more to do with need for water change, reduced frequency of micro-worms/BBS feedings (adults actually get a chance to get hungry and hunt the fry), and possibly the older fry in the tank — my “downstream” grow-out stage tanks are full up! (But I don’t mean that to sound like a complaint!)
Edit: the BN plecos were in the fishery since before and during the CPD breeding.