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CPD habitat in their native Myanmar mountains has water temps in the low 20s C, and many people have bred successfully at these temps. The 70-odd fry I’ve gotten were all spawned/hatched up near 27-27.5C (80-82F). I had planned to turn down the temp when I saw the other reports, but then the fry started to appear, so I didn’t change anything. One comment I read earlier (I think it is in this forum, but maybe it was from the original breeders in England?) suggested that at higher temps the adults’ metabolism is increased, which takes away from their energy for breeding and keeps them more constantly on the look out for food.

My adults all got in breeding condition on live microworms. I fed them at least twice a day, often 4-5 times a day or more (whenever I’d walk past the the tank). They welcome fresh-hatched brine shrimp, too. Before I started conditioning my adults, they did just fine on commercial small flakes and micro-granules, plus whatever they could pick at in the plants in the tank, but they never really did fatten up until I started feeding them live wigglers every day.