Reply To: Starting over…


However, Myanmar is said to have officially removed these guys from their positive list of what *can* be exported (which is actually a better way to do it than to have a potentially incomplete list of what can’t be exported). So the connection between buying them from stores and adding pressure to wild collecting should be broken, black markets and illegal activity aside.

That’s great! I’m surpised but pleased they’d take that action. After all, it’s a pretty poor country, probably needs all economic activity it can get.

Now’s the time to buy, huh… Before prices hit the roof!

Keep in mind you’ll have to find a way to get the adults away from the kids as soon as they spawn, especially if the eggs/fry only have plastic plants to hide in.

Yeah, every time I try a spawning I’ll remove them and check for fry and/or leave it for a few days.

I’m calling around today. Going to pick them up soon as my tank’s free, as I’ll soon be boarding a stray goldfish. It was in a university pond, but when they drained it and brought the fish in, they missed this guy. My sister’s boyfriend found him, and he’ll be staying at my place till he sets something up. For the fish that is… He has aquariums too.

Where I work they have these ‘flats’ of fake grass looking plants. Thinking of buying a few. The galaxies would probably appeciate them.

– Atlantis