Reply To: Mysterious fry appear in tank with no adults!

Welcome to the website! Forums Other Freshwater Fishes Species Breeding Mysterious fry appear in tank with no adults! Reply To: Mysterious fry appear in tank with no adults!


And the answer is:……..

Praecox!! (Surprise to few). Out of the eight or so that hatched out, half survived (I blame the blasted hydra :twisted: ). One got bigger right out of the chute, and a couple of days ago ate the smallest :( . The biggest was big enough to join the 4-week old shoal of CPD young, so he’s in with them in the bushy-nose pleco factory, and the two remaining tiny ones just went into my daughter’s one-gallon for a couple weeks until they can hold their own in the grow-out tanks.

Congrats to all for their accurate ID guesses.