Reply To: Setting up my breeding tank.

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding Setting up my breeding tank. Reply To: Setting up my breeding tank.


Hi maximumbob (simon) glad you could join us, the planted tank looks gorgeous…the spawning tanks looking great and i like the size, one thing to watch with the grid and Cpd’ they are so small and thin, if the grid does not reach the glass and leave’s even a slight gap then the fish can get underneath. I lost a spawn this way, i used a very large fat female and a well conditioned male, i came home to a very thin female that had obviously spawned and a male under the grid eating the last few eggs…Also watch the water level, i used to fill mine to within an inch of the top but lost 2 females due to jumping, i now leave a gap around 4 inches from the water level to the top of the tank.
It was nice to meet you last week and you are more than welcome to pop in for a chat (if you can stand the heat!!!!!)