Reply To: Chris’ African/mbuna Journal

Welcome to the website! Forums General General Aquaria Chris’ African/mbuna Journal Reply To: Chris’ African/mbuna Journal


Hey Chris nice to see a fellow munba keeper, any way i do have a suggestion about your tank..
Labidochromis caeruleus and pseudotropheus salousi are both awesome fish, but putting in the same tank isn’t gonna work to well see salousi females are just as yellow at the caeruleus and things can get all messed up with interbreeding. salousi are great for species tanks though if you are going with the blue and yellow look do as i did. Ps. Demasoni and your yellow labs. though a 40g tank is small for any cichlid. be sure to do your research. soulsi alone will be fine in your 40g maybe a group of 12 would be good be sure not to over stock. Your cichlids WILL BREED in time as i know. so plan on controling your stock and avoid species that will interbreed. go to for more info.. if you have any questions don’t hesitate to leave msg…