Reply To: IDing rainbowfish (species and gender)

Welcome to the website! Forums Other Freshwater Fishes Species Discussion IDing rainbowfish (species and gender) Reply To: IDing rainbowfish (species and gender)


So here’s what I’ve been calling praecox in my tank:

(First time linking photobucket px — let’s see if it works…).
To my knowledge (unfortunately limited to local lfs labeling!), the red-finned larger one is male, and the smaller yellow-finned one is female.
Keep in mind a flash was used, so the steel blue opaque color of the sides is greatly enhanced relative to more ‘natural’ lighting, which makes their bodies look somewhat more translucent, and white to silver. I normally only see the blue when they flash sideways just right under the overhead fluorescent tube light.

What do the more knowledgeable rainbow folk among us think for ID?