Reply To: What fish do you keep??
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I see a South America / SE Asia theme (soft water constraints?) running through these posts!
Here’s my aquatic friends:
29 gallon (from the top): 5 marbled hatchets, 1M/1F praecox rainbow, 9 (5/4?) cardinal tetras, sidthimunki loach (I forget the genus – reorganized recently?), 2 “sumo” loaches (Schistura cf. balteata), gold nugget pleco (L85/L177?), 1M/2F L401 plecos, 4 king tigerish (L66/L333?) plecos. Much java fern.
20 gallon: bazillion mongrel yellow guppies, bazillion bushynose plecos, 2 Sterbai corys, 2 kuhli loaches. Much java moss, hollow grapevine log that papa bushynose keeps himself confined to except the 2 days a month when he tosses out the next batch of wigglers.
10 gallon: 5 baby bushynose plecos, hundreds of Malaysian live-bearing snails, and… 6M/3F breeding CPDs (with approx 35 fry)!!!
10 gallon: 15 baby bushynose plecos, 1 subadult long-finned albino bushynose… 40 CPD fry!!!
6 gallon: 3 baby bushynose plecos (see a theme here?), 4-8 mystery fry of unknown origin — appeared a day after adding java fern from the 29g community tank above to this otherwise unpopulated tank. Only time will tell… so long as the blasted hydra keep their tendrils off the fry.