Reply To: IDing rainbowfish (species and gender)

Welcome to the website! Forums Other Freshwater Fishes Species Discussion IDing rainbowfish (species and gender) Reply To: IDing rainbowfish (species and gender)


I’m no rainbow expert, but the second one “Indy” looks a lot like what I’ve been calling my “female dwarf (praecox) rainbow.” Can’t see the first one “Aurora” clearly, but even what I can see looks ‘different’ (whatever that means) from Indy, and also not like what I call my red-finned “male dwarf (praecox) rainbow.” I’ll put px of my two up tonight and see what the vote says about them.

About a year or so ago, the yellowish-finned (female?) dwarfs at our local lfs’s here started showing up with different appearances: the bright “lemon” yellow fins of the fish before gave way to a paler, washed-out fin, and the yellow in the newer fish seemed to have more of an orange character. The site you point to in another post here mentions that most or all are captive bred — shift through generations?