Reply To: YIKES!!


sorry to hear about your ailing fish. I agree with Atlantis — hospital tank with treatment for the popeye, not sure what’s up with the bent back. I do notice that most of my 9 wild caught CPDs do have a somewhat “concave downward” appearance. If this were in a guppy, I would watch for spinal deformation or tail droop, but this slight bowing seems just to be part of their body plan — can even see it a bit in the four fish on the top of this page. Have you had the fish long? Transport from the wild oversees puts quite a strain on them. One of my three females has an overall darkish complexion, including the normally-white part of the eyes that looks abnormal, but she seems to be getting on just fine. This was the way I got her though, so I assumed it was transport-related.

Best wishes for healthy fishes. Keep us posted.