Reply To: Tank size & a few Q’s

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat Tank size & a few Q’s Reply To: Tank size & a few Q’s


Myanmar stopped the export of these fish late last spring, so unless there is bootlegging happening (?), then any fish you find should be either captive bred, or else already taken out of their original habitat and no longer appropriate to put back into it (with all the new diseases, etc., that they’ve been exposed to along the way). Since no more are allowed to be taken out of the country, then the argument that buying wild caught fish from fish stores will increase collecting pressure is no longer valid (although it was with certainty the reason their home populations are so stressed now, in addition to wetland drainage and development). About the same time as the prohibition to export from Myanmar, several new CPD localities in their home region were discovered. They are so relatively easy to breed (sincerest apologies to all the expectant fish-keepers in the group) that I would be surprised if the fish stores don’t start filling up again soon from the “farm breeders”. But just in case, amateurs like us are a great fall-back for the continuation of the species!

I’d give your beautiful shrimp tank a go for starters. The CPDs are small enough. Only dangers — eating of eggs/fry by shrimp or adults if not enough hiding shrubbery for them.