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Hi Chris hows your fish house coming on??? Any further along with your plans?

I have come back to the fishhouse and found around 5 CPD fry, this is puzzling me as there are tons of eggs not hatched so something is amiss, i put 3 pairs into 3 separate tanks with a mesh along the bottom so they could not eat them while i was away. I have returned to find 5 fry hatched and sitting on the bottom using up the yolk sac the rest of the eggs are slightly fungused and will not hatch, there are over 50 eggs like this. The water is very soft and acidic more suited to south American species which i tend to specialize in. It was also very warm at 82-84f.
I am going to seperate the males/females for a week or two and try again with slightly cooler water and after that with neutral or slightly alkaline water and experiment to see what the problem is.
I have also come back to another spawn from my young rams..
This is a large spawn for young fish consisting of around 250 eggs. I also put the corydoras Sterbai into a breeding tank on friday before i went and i found a few eggs on the glass when i returned, not many though so i dont know what happened to the rest as cory’s dont usually eat their own eggs, unless they got hungry after not being fed for nearly 3 days?? i found 3 eggs stuck to the glass and the least iv ever known them to lay was around 60.