Reply To: Tank size & a few Q’s
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@waterfaller1 wrote:
What I meant was, if they are endangered..then perhaps I should pick another type of fish. There are dozens of fish that stay small, some smaller than the CPD.
cool i see what your saying now. i didnt know there where many smaller than the cpd :shock: (i know of 1or 2)
in that case personaly i would go for captive breed if you where to come across them.
however me personally would probably still go for them.
the way i look at it is i look after my fish well (like most people on here). if i wernt to buy them some little kid might point them out liking the colours and wanting to put them in a small tank with out the proper care they need (like all fish) so they would be best in my tank and cared for well.
hope all makes sense