Reply To: "Bettas Desrve Better" sheet

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Well done Atlantis, i think what your doing is correct and very Commendable, i would not like to be a shop manager keeping bettas in tiny enclosures when you walk in on the warpath…
Seriously you are doing a very important job, people think you can mistreat fish and it certainly annoys me.
A friend of mine in work bought two goldfish for his daughter, he started asking questions when one died and was shocked when i told him to spend £100 on a bigger glass tank, a filter and decent water conditioners (the basics)
His reply was ‘yeah but there only Goldfish’ My friend likes birds so i compared it to me trying to keep a Golden Eagle in a broom cupboard, he got my point but i think his goldfish will continue to suffer in its tiny unfiltered bowl.
If people mistreat dogs or cats in the Uk we have the RSPCA to intervene and protect the animals, fish do not seen to apply and they should be subject to the same rights as larger animals.