Reply To: evil fish sale’s person!

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I’m sure the manager would be most upset that he threatened to not sell you fish b/c of an incident like that. I’ve said something in fish stores before- one time when a little girl was getting ready to pick out a “sparkly” goldfish- it was actually covered in ich. Unfortunately the unknowing buyers will usually believe the employee over you just because they work there and “should” be knowledgeable. Other times, the buyer doesn’t want to hear that the bala shark that they really really want doesn’t belong in a 10 gallon and will get it anyway.
Sadly, I usually don’t speak up anymore, instead I just walk away when I feel my face getting red!
But bravo to you- if nothing else- take the customer aside and tell them they should do their own research in a book or the internet before picking out fish because the employees are human and don’t know everything. Plus, remind them that they are a business and if your fish die- they get to sell you more!
Not all LFS are like this thank goodness, but unfortunately good ones are less common than bad ones IME.