Reply To: Dwarf Sunset Platies!


Yes i read about your ‘dispute’ in your other thread, why not tell his boss that he is an absolute idiot and that you are looking for a new job :wink:
I didnt realise you wanted to know if she was pregnant, take it as granted that if she has been in a tank with males and water and if their are no problems with the female(headache) then she will be pregnant.
The problem with livebearers soon becomes one of tank management rather than trying to breed them.
Check the gravid spot near to her anal vent and if it is large and black and the female is nicely rounded before eating then she is pregnant.
How large are your fish??
You are in a good position now to experiment! I would wait for babies, seperate the males as soon as spotted, and let the females remain virgin, then you are in control of when/who spawns. You can then count down the days and know exactly how long your fish carry their young before dropping. I am doing a similar experiment with Endlers and am learning plenty of things first hand, i am able to pick out large virgin females and the best male. After one day the male is removed and she drops exactly 31 days later, she has currently dropped 6 broods from one mating and is pregnant again now, broods are averaging around 20-25 with a split of sexes around 50-50. My endlers are kept on the cooler bottom shelf of the fishroom with a water temp of 72-75f.

Good luck…