Reply To: Microgeophagus Ramirez.Wild Ram cichlid spawning

Welcome to the website! Forums Other Freshwater Fishes Species Breeding Microgeophagus Ramirez.Wild Ram cichlid spawning Reply To: Microgeophagus Ramirez.Wild Ram cichlid spawning


I dont want to sound like to much of a smart arse but i told you so…..
Just after i finished the last post i went out to the fishroom to give a final feed of the night and one pair of the juviniles have spawned and finished while i typed the previous report. This makes these fish exactly 78 days old from the egg being laid to actually spawning themselves.
It is funny because they have gone full circle and spawned in the same tank they were born in just under three months ago.

Its been fairly warm in the fishroom today as i turned up the heat because we had a cold night on monday, temp on the top row was 85f when checked. The male is fanning the eggs and not letting the female near… YES FOLKS THIS TANK IS NOW COVERED, there is no way i am losing another breeding male. The pair are due to be shipped out on friday to their new owner and i will most probibaly leave the eggs alone and see what happens. I do not know yet if the pair are fertile or if it will take a few gos to get it right, this is the usual pattern for cichlids.