Reply To: What to do, What to do?
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Snails are not that bad… they’re actually quite beneficial for the tank. Not sure if they’ll eat fish eggs, there might be some natural protective egg coatings that help prevent this (pure speculation)… I had tons of snails in my tank and had a first batch of fry. Granted, it wasn’t a HUGE batch but that may have been due to other factors… possibly getting sucked into the filter (I hope not). I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I think if you have lots of Java moss (spawning mops?) then everything will be OK as the eggs/fry can hide easily from all kinds of threats.
Also, in my large tank somehow there aren’t a lot of snails, they seem to die off when they get to a certain size — I think this may be due to the low algae growth — I have lots of plants of different varieties and I think they rob the algae of growth nutrients, thus robbing snails of their food supply.
Now as for shrimp… could that be a bigger threat to fish eggs? I mean, they’re a lot more dexterous and everything, with those many agile arms and pincers. I have some Yamato shrimp in my Celestials tank so that’s a bit of a concern. I’m just hoping that all the crazy Java moss and hair algae will help hide stuff.