Reply To: Newby Question
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Hi Seekuh,
You have come to the right place for good advice,our members are very knowageable.
Firstly let me say you do not sound like a beginner,you must of really researched your fishkeeping because i know people who have kept fish for years and still do not know Fish/plant species.Well done.
Are you sure you want CPd’s or can you wait a year or so, i say this because, as you might know the Celestial Pearl danio has been completely overfished in their wild habitat and should wherever possible be bred in captivity, i would start your hobby with something a bit more common like Glowlight danios(Danio choprae) I recommend these to everyone because they are the best brightest most colourful danio around and also fairly easy to breed.. Ideal beginners fish.
As far as the Betta go’s i do not really have any experience with them so cannot say for sure, your other fish should get along fine with them and will cause him no harm ….
I say go for it, you have the makings of a great tank..