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Hi guys, I’ve just started getting into planted tanks, but I’m going for the low light. Well, up to 2.5wpg which I think is what my corner tank is. DIY CO2 until I’ve got some cash to upgrade. Just started EI dosing today, picked up the powders from aquaessentials and tropica for trace.
In the corner tank I’ve got swords, vallis, some java moss, a lotus bulb (I think) and loads of fast growing stuff to help combat any algea, seem to be struggling with hair/string algea (might need to invest in some shrimp!)

The 4ft tank with my cpd’s is at the moment VERY low light, in fact I’ve not even bothered working it out. Desperately needs new bulb OR whole new light system(once I’ve won the lotto!) Eco Complete with a mix of exrta fine black(more grey) river sand/gravel substrate. This tank will be full of bog/driftwood, java fern, windelov fern, narrow leaf java fern, various mosses(java, christmas,weeping, willow and any others I can get hold of), crypts and anubias.

I will eventually get round to taking some pictures… day.