Reply To: Running out of room…

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Who me?? you would not want to see the big side, it is still used as a shed and all my tools and the kids bikes are still in there. If you picture it like this.
Open the door and you have the large side, 6ft infront of you there is a large double glazed window, infront of that all along the wall there is a wooden workbench with shelves underneath storing tools and kids paddling pools ect. hanging from the wall are tools ect, now to your left is a 3ft 100litre bare growout tank containing about 80 juvinile Rams. To the right is a doorway entering where my tanks are. 6X4 space containing 15 tanks. You have seen this side already from my pics.

I need to save some money to do the large side as its not worth doing bit by bit. Although i saw four 18x18x12 secondhand tanks that i might just buy and i was offered a brand new but secondhand 6x1x1 tank for £20…MMMMMM

Please please please guys… do not tell my missus what im planning :roll: , she doesnt ask so i dont tell her LOL :wink: .. If you tell i might just be sleeping in this shed/fishroom :shock: …..