Reply To: What fish do you keep??
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Right chaps iv posted this list before but this is updated now with all my new additions..
Right deep breath…
1 breeding pair of Discus (eat their eggs,but getting a bit better at it)
1 breeding pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus (Bipindi) (25 fry doing well)
1 breeding pair of Nannacara Anomala
A trio of the very rare Nannacara Adoketa (not yet sexable)
30 Juvinile Anomala’s
Trio of Apistogramma ‘Hongsloi’
8 breeding Apistogramma Sp ‘Steelblue’
40+ Apisto sp ‘steelblue’ fry
1 Female Ram (male jumped from the tank)
180 Juvinile Rams from 2 seperate spawns.
4 Featherfin Rainbows (not tried to breed them yet)
10 Corydoras Sterbai + over 200 fry and countless eggs(see my post for info)
2 Corydoras Panda
30 Golden pencilfish (Adults and juviniles)
7 Glowlight Danios
100 Glowlight danio fry
Glowlight tetras
20 Neon tetras (home bred)
14 Rummynose Tetras
8 Columbian tetras (One of my favourites and had these for 7 years now)
1 breeding pair of Bristlenose plecs + 30 baby bristlenoses
5 Leopard danios
150 Leopard danio fry
10 Celestial pearl danios
1 pair of cherry barbs + 100 eggs
8 Otocinclus catfish ( these are a future breeding project and are being treated nice as we speak)
And last but not least about 150.000.000 endlers that seem to live in every tank and spread like the plague. They get in tanks that you have no plans to stock them in, i think they get caught up in nets and hey presto 1 female turns into 20 within weeks.Good job i love em….
These are spread between….
A 180 Jewel rio discus display tank
140litre Aqua one 620t
90 litre growing on tank
30 litre planted tank
And now 10.. 18x12x12 (35 litre) Bottom and middle shelf
And also 5 16x8x8 spawning tanks on the top shelf.
I have room for 2 more tanks on the top shelf and i think i will need them soon.