Reply To: Brine Shrimp?


Following on from the correct advice from L168, try and keep them warm 70f-80f, do not go too warm though or they all die.
I moved my hatchery from waist height to a shelf that is head height, hot air rises and i got two batches of hatched but dead shrimp!! I am trying to work out if they died when i cut off the air and left them to settle before syphoning them out?? The still fed the fry and they were happy to eat them?
If you do not want to, or cannot continuously be hatching BBS, do one big huge hatch and filter the shrimp into cold fresh water as soon as they hatch and then into small icecube trays. Place them into the freezer and hey-presto a years supply of very fresh BBS.. Best thing is you know exactly what you are feeding your fish.